I’ve been meaning to comment on the UN speeches but it took me a while to get here to do that, I’ve just been too busy with school. But things, I feel, are really falling into place and I’ve developed a routine so expect more frequent blog updates.
Anyway, in case you missed Qadhafi’s outrageous UN speech, click here. Since his tirade was extra long, it was broken up into different parts, all of which can be found on the sidebar. The UN conference was actually kind of entertaining, especially since clowns like Qadhafi turned the event into a circus. He actually managed to outdo Ahmadinejad’s speech. Here is his rant.
I recently read a very interesting take on his speech and wanted to share it with you guys. The title of the piece is “President Ahmadinejad’s Diplomatic Victories in New York.” Here is the article:
“There is a cerÂtain buzz in IranÂian papers about Ahmadinejad’s trip to NYC last week. EchoÂing Israeli newsÂpaÂpers critÂiÂcizÂing of Prime MinÂisÂter Netanyahu’s remarks at the UN, the IranÂian media is celÂeÂbratÂing the unseatÂing of the state of Israel’s priÂmary jusÂtiÂfiÂcaÂtion for itself. Netanyahu’s rant about the HoloÂcaust (notice how ridicuÂlous and disinÂgenÂuÂous he looks wavÂing papers provÂing the Nazis’ intenÂtion of anniÂhiÂlatÂing the Jews) was the most glarÂing indiÂcaÂtion that, 60 years after the end of the horÂrors of Nazism, the Prime MinÂisÂter of Israel is now forced to stand in front of the world body and actuÂally argue that the HoloÂcaust DID hapÂpen. For a nation whose priÂmary jusÂtiÂfiÂcaÂtion for exisÂtence is to avoid another holoÂcaust, havÂing to prove that the horÂror hapÂpened in the first place is nothÂing but a sign of deep disÂcomÂfort, a sign that Israeli polity feels a need to jusÂtify itself, a sign that there might be sea changes boilÂing under the offiÂcial proÂpaÂganda, self-victimization and chest beatÂing of the most milÂiÂtaÂrized sociÂety on earth. ComÂing out of the interÂnaÂtional outÂrage over Israel’s masÂsacres in Gaza and recent UN reports callÂing Israeli actions in Gaza as war crimes and placÂing an IDF genÂeral on a list of war crimÂiÂnals, Israel has many reaÂsons to feel inseÂcure … but not necÂesÂsarÂily because Iran is going to start a war with it, rather, because it seems like Israeli politiÂcians are not getÂting away with murÂder as easÂily as they used to. But this time, Netanyahu’s rather typÂiÂcal maneuÂver to divert attenÂtion from interÂnaÂtional critÂiÂcism by self-victimizing seems to have backÂfired. By using AhmadineÂjad as that foil, Netanyahu ended up givÂing Iran’s PresÂiÂdent the pleaÂsure of seemÂing that he has a hand in Israel’s weak ideÂolÂgiÂcal standing.
Israeli papers are pointÂing out as an embarÂrassÂment, and in Iran, the offiÂcial media is not losÂing the opporÂtuÂnity to make this a vicÂtory of their own.”
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