New America Media: Arab confidence in Facebook has suffered a significant setback after the site shut down “The Third Palestinian Intifada†page—which had amassed 350,000 supporters—evidently under strong pressure from Israel. After first rejecting requests to remove the page, Facebook did an about-face and deleted it when told that some postings incited violence against Israel, a charge the page’s developers deny.
As a result of the abrupt deletion, others throughout the Arab world have launched their own “Third Palestinian Intifada†pages, copied from the original and adding new content.
A simple search on Facebook using the words “Third Palestinian Intifada†in English or Arabic leads to an endless list of copycat pages all over the globe….What is clear, though, is that the founder of the first “Third Palestinian Intifada†launched the page to call for peaceful demonstrations around the world after Friday prayers on May 15, 2011.