Category Archives: Libya
There’s much to say about Chavez but I’ll be brief. First, why does Fox News insist on referring to Chavez as a dictator? Chavez was repeatedly re-elected and the elections were always fair. His elections had far more legitimacy than … Continue reading
Must read: Arab revolts – Past and Present
al-Jazeera: The current popular challenges to the Western-sponsored Arab dictatorships are hardly a new occurrence in modern Arab history. We have seen such uprisings against European colonialism in the region since its advent in Algeria in 1830 and in Egypt … Continue reading
Thoughts on Qaddafi’s Death
I woke up this morning to texts and phone calls alerting me to the historic news. With the death of Qaddafi, the end of his 42-year tyranny is now complete. As footage has shown, much of Libya is engulfed in … Continue reading
You have to love this picture of a rebel wearing one of Qaddafi’s hats and his gold chain after raiding his Bab al-Aziziya compound in Tripoli a couple days ago.
Lebanon and Iran urge Libyan rebels to probe 33-year-old mystery
The Guardian: Lebanon and Iran have appealed to the Libyan rebels to investigate the fate of Moussa al-Sadr, a Shia religious leader who went missing after a flight to Tripoli in August 1978. With Gaddafi’s regime on the brink of … Continue reading
Lebanon eyes TNC help on Imam Sadr
I would be both shocked and ecstatic if the Imam was still alive. At the least, I hope his family and supporters finally get closure. PressTV: “The Lebanese government has decided to recognize the National Transitional Council in Libya,” read … Continue reading
Libya: The Issue of the No-Fly Zone Revisited
Back when the issue of the no-fly zone was being debated, many on the left took a principled stand that war was not the solution and that NATO’s pending involvement would have served as an opening for imperialism. Although I’m … Continue reading
The Imminenet Fall of Tripoli has its Roots in Misrata (and NATO)
The past few days in Libya have been historic. All attention is now on Tripoli but I want to focus on Misrata here. When the rebellion first broke out, all of Libya’s major cities and smaller ones, with the exception … Continue reading
Video: Libyan Rebel’s Weapons… Guerrilla Style
You have to be impressed by them. Look at this video and see how determined they are, even making their own weapons out of scrap material and other damaged weapons.
Video: Misurata’s Resilience
The people of Libya as a whole have left a major mark on the history of the region for their steadfastness in the face of Qaddafi’s murderous regime. The people of Misurata, however, deserve special recognition and respect. They have … Continue reading
Libya: Rebel Gains in Misurata
AlMasry AlYoum: Amman — Libyans who wanted to venture outside to celebrate rebel gains against Muammar Qadhafi’s forces in Misrata were prevented from doing so by government snipers in a tall building above Tripoli street. After a two-week struggle over … Continue reading
Video: A look at Libyan rebels’ workshop
Improvisation is the key… see the video here.
Video: Battle of Misurata
The siege on the western revolutionary hold-out continues, see the video here.