Category Archives: Racism
“Go back to your country”
Today, President #Trump said on the Twitter that “‘Progressive’ Democrat Congresswomen who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning … Continue reading
Caught Shopping While Iranian: Diasporic Solidarity and the Globalization of Collective Punishment
Jadaliyya: In recent years, the Iranian New Year, Norooz, has become a fairly predictable time for US presidents to gesture towards “dialogue†and mutual respect between the United States and the Iranian people, while criticizing the repressive policies and nuclear … Continue reading
Muhammad Ali writes letter to people of Norway
Al-Arabiya: Muhammad Ali expressed his sadness about the bombing and massacre in Norway, saying he is heartbroken by the senseless deaths and the reasoning of the man behind them. In a letter to the people of Norway written under his … Continue reading
Harvard faces protests over honour for Islamophobic editor
The Guardian: Harvard academics and students are demanding that the university rescind a plan to honour the editor-in-chief of a leading Washington political magazine this week after he wrote that Muslims are unfit for the protections of the US constitution … Continue reading
Qur’ans burned on 9/11 despite canceled event
After introducing the idea and championing it for months, Terry Jones abandoned it a couple days before the 9th anniversary of 9/11. Others, however, took it upon themselves to set the Qur’an on fire without Terry Jones. See the video … Continue reading
An Iraq War Veteran Speaks…
in a must see youtube video.
Iranian Identity, the ‘Aryan Race,’ and Jake Gyllenhaal
Tehran Bureau: Everybody has heard about Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, the recent Walt Disney blockbuster featuring Jake Gyllenhaal in the role of…a prince of Persia. That a rather fair actor with Swedish and Ashkenazi heritage plays the … Continue reading
Pan-Arab narrative a myth in Lebanon
The Guardian – Excerpt: Anger towards Lebanon is brewing in Sudan and in Sudanese online forums. According to reports in the Arab media, a fundraising party held by Sudanese immigrants and asylum seekers in Beirut in aid of a child … Continue reading
What if the Tea Party was black?
Gotta love this video.
Arab man who posed as a Jew to seduce woman to consensual sex convicted of rape
His only crime was that he was an Arab man who slept with a Jewish woman… if this is the only “democracy in the Middle East” then the Middle East has extremely low standards – Haaretz:Â An Arab resident of … Continue reading
Black Iraqis Speak
Just another reason why al-Jazeera is awesome.
Olmert condemns settler ‘pogrom’
BBC: “As a Jew, I was ashamed at the scenes of Jews opening fire at innocent Arabs in Hebron. There is no other definition than the term ‘pogrom’ to describe what I have seen,” he told Cabinet members, according to … Continue reading
Emmanuel’s Father’s Racist Comments
NY Times: Representative Rahm Emanuel, left, President-elect Barack Obama’s chief of staff, called the president of an Arab-American group today to apologize for comments his father made to an Israeli newspaper. In the remarks, Benjamin Emanuel discussed the potential impact … Continue reading