Category Archives: Syria
“Israel’s ‘Safe Zone’ Is Creeping Farther Into Syria”
The Intercept: “The safe zone appears intended to keep the Syrian army and its Iranian and Lebanese allies as far away from Israel’s border as possible, as well as solidify Israel’s control over the occupied Golan Heights. Israel seized the … Continue reading
“Trump Admin Commits to Forever War in Syria against Iran”
Informed Comment: “Since the al-Assad regime has won the civil war, it does not feel it needs to make a grand political compromise with the rebels, who only have three significant pockets of resistance left: Idlib Province in the north, … Continue reading
McCain on Obama’s anti-ISIS Airstrikes
McCain has already penned an open letter urging President Obama to widen his bombing campaign of ISIS to include the Syrian Air Force. Is anyone surprised? It’s also funny to hear US media refer to the Arab “coalition” in the … Continue reading
Syrian Wars of Proxy
al-Akhbar English: The Syrian war is not only a proxy war. There is a strong internal dimension to the war in Syria but it has been obscured by various layers and dimensions of outside intervention and agendas. The Syrian regime … Continue reading
VOA Interview regarding “The Saudi Roots of Today’s Shi’ite-Sunni War”
Here’s a very brief interview regarding my article “The Saudi Roots of Today’s Shi’ite-Sunni War” at Voice of America. Please excuse the accent.
The Saudi Roots of Today’s Shi’ite-Sunni War
My latest piece at The Huffington Post: The rise of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and its fervent anti-Shi’ite worldview has once again sparked the debate about the “age-old” conflict between Shi’ites and Sunnis with countless “experts” … Continue reading
The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant’s March
There is much to say about the recent news from Iraq but perhaps the most mind-blowing aspect of ISIL/ISIS and its recent gains in Iraq is the group’s declaration that the Sykes-Picot agreement is null and void. The Sykes-Picot agreement … Continue reading
Chechens now fighting on both sides of the Syrian conflict?
The “prestige” of Chechen fighters is growing among the rank-and-file of the “rebels.” Abu Omar ash-Shishani (see image) will be a name we will know as commonly as we know Bin Laden’s in the near future–if he survives the Syrian … Continue reading
Prolonging the War in Syria
I read an article yesterday that I simply cannot stop thinking about… it outlined how the US is arming the “rebels” in Syria with light weapons and rudimentary military training in CIA camps in Jordan, both of which are not … Continue reading
“We can get rid of Assad or fight al-Qaeda, but we can’t do both”
This is a very informative article containing a lot of food for thought. The Telegraph: For the past three years, when seeking enlightenment about the Syrian crisis, I have often talked to Alastair Crooke, a former MI6 officer. Mr Crooke, … Continue reading
The Rise of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant
Al-Qaeda has officially disavowed the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL or ISIS). ISIL and other armed groups have been fighting each other for the past 2 months in northern Syria and beyond. One reason for the infighting … Continue reading
Al-Qaeda leader in Syria speaks
Look at the manner in which the al-Qaeda leader in Syria talks about Iran. Is there any doubt that the Saudis (and many others) are behind this guy and his ilk?
Britain’s policy on Syria has just been sunk, and nobody noticed
The Independent: The final bankruptcy of American and British policy in Syria came 10 days ago as Islamic Front, a Saudi-backed Sunni jihadi group, overran the headquarters of the Supreme Military Council of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) at Bab … Continue reading
Video: UNICEF UK presents “No Place Like Home” with Ewan McGregor…