Green Movement: One Year On

My friends in Iran say that Iran was dead today and that nothing happened on the streets. Of course, they couldn’t be everywhere at all times. Here’s footage of a protest at Sharif University.  Here’s footage of a protest at Tehran University. And here’s footage of rooftop chants the night before. Still, they’re all a far cry from what happened this time a year ago, but things are not altogether quiet either.

Reza Sayah at CNN had this to say: “While the opposition movement initially had strong showings with seas of green banners, arm bands and signs coursing through Tehran and other cities, the protests have largely fizzled out in recent months. Perhaps the most evident sign of this was on February 11, when Iran’s security forces clashed with demonstrators — coming through on a promise to crack down on protesters on the 31st anniversary of the Islamic Revolution and the fall of the Shah.”

Yet, Hamid Dabashi had this to say on CNN as well: “One year later, the Green Movement is unfolding in multiple and varied ways, and nothing will stop it. It may thunder as a cascade or flow quietly on a plateau — but like any other bountiful river it will not stop until it reaches its destined ocean.”

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