If Canada Launched Rockets at the US…

KABOBfest: Hoping to depart from analogies that steamroll all nuance…

Wishing to kill the spirit of comparisons that ignore imbalances of power…

If Mexicans settled the US en masse, and then established a state of their own on American soil, with the blessing of the Latin American Alliance, do you think Americans would just sit there and take it?

If Canada went to war against the US, and then concentrated refugees from that war in a closed-off space the size of Detroit, do you think Americans would just sit there and take it?

If Cubans invaded the US, then prevented all Americans who fled the violence from returning to their homes while also confiscating their property, do you think Americans would just sit there and take it?

If Americans, struggling for their own independence from Great Britain, sent inefficient missiles into Wales, killing a handful of citizens, and then were slaughtered at a rate of 100 to 1, do you think Americans would just sit there and take it?

If Cuba occupied the US after a crushing military victory, then ignored its responsibilities as an occupier, progressively settling the US while pretending that it would one day permit an American state, do you think Americans would just sit there and take it?

If Haiti received 3 billion dollars a year in military aid, and used the full force of its military might and advanced weaponry against an impoverished and largely defenseless American population, do you think Americans would just sit there and take it?

If Canadians deprived Americans of their freedom, do you think Americans would just sit there and take it?

Not the Americans I know.

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