Sometimes it’s better said written…

I know I usually post political stuff here but I wanted to take this time to openly acknowledge two people in my life, my parents. I hate it when people start tributes with “I don’t have the words” because I usually do. I have spent the last two years in Cambridge, Massachusetts and spent last summer in the Middle East so I wanted to stay home this summer in Orange County to spend time with family before I started UMICH’s PhD program, which began today.  These past few months, I spent a lot of time with my family, especially my parents. And I need to acknowledge how wonderful they are. I think it’s important to remind the people you love about your love for them often, and I always do, but sometimes it’s better said written.

When I first went to Berkeley, they moved me into my apartment on Haste and Telegraph. It was nearly 10 years ago and I was still a child.  The last day together was solemn. We barely spoke to each other. The clouds were wearing us down. We walked through Telegraph and as we turned the corner onto Haste, we knew it was time to say goodbye. I kept saying, “this is it” over and over again.  And when we said good-bye, we barely spoke. We were all too choked up but the love was evident in our eyes. When I moved to Harvard 2 years ago, the good-bye was not nearly as hard. I was much older and I left home before so it wasn’t that big of a deal. The program was also shorter – 2 years. So there was no holding back any tears and I left for Cambridge without them as they didn’t move me in this time. We flew out to Michigan a week ago together in order to move me in again and today, I said good-bye one more time and it was as hard as when we bid each other farewell 10 years ago in Berkeley. After spending the summer with them and after spending every moment with them this past week in Ann Arbor, Michigan, we have all grown especially close. So today was hard all over again and we barely spoke for we were all too choked up. It’s important for me that you, Momman o Baba, know that I appreciate everything you have done for me and none of this would have been possible without your endless support and encouragement. Thank you and I love you, dearly.
I feel blessed that they are part of the adventure because it wouldn’t be such without you, and I look forward to the day when I too will move my children into their new homes at college. Here’s to you for making this life full of love because there’s simply no better way to live:

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